Party Ideas to Help You Plan

Different people will have different ideas and memories of their 12 years of education. It marks the ending of youth and the start of adulthood. Whatever you do don't let it be the last time you see your friends. These friendships, if nurtured through the years, can be so valuable as you grow older.
Planning the party can be overwhelming to some, but it's not hard. If you do your homework, you can have a nice party for a good price if you research. Start planning party ideas and getting your party favors at least two months in advance. Some people start planning a year in advance, now that's organized.
The date and time are very important, you don't want your invited guests to have to choose between friends who are having a party on the same date. Typically a graduation party is celebrated within the first month of graduation and up three months after. Weekends are typically the best day for a party so out of town guests can be there. Also a dinner time party is good if you plan to serve a meal.
The party location will be a personal preference. The majority of parties are thrown at the parent's home or the home of a relative. They can be indoors, outdoors, or a combination of both. If money is an issue keep the decorations basic. Something as simple as a congratulations banner with the person's name on it and graduation year will really suffice. A theme party is the most cost affective if you start buying items you see on sale early, although most teenagers seem to be aganist theme parties.
Graduation invitations can be expensive, use this link to take an additional 10% to 15% off your order, ends May 8, 2012. To save money on postage try and hand deliver as many as you can. As an extra added touch have the graduate deliver the invitations to friends and family, not you Mom or Dad.
Now the music. You'll bee popular music for the graduate and his or her generation, but yoou also need music that your guest will like as well. Hiring a DJ is really a waste of money. With all the technology now a days a computer, speakers and a playlist are really all you need.
Now the food. Cake is a given. The location will determine the food. If you rent a hall they usually have a caterer you have to use, probably expensive. If you have it in your home there's flexibility. You could make food or have a potluck, or could have barbeque with burgers and hot dogs. Pizza is also something that everyone likes. Variety is import, make sure that yoou have at least three varities of the same thing (ie: meat, pizza, cheese, drinks, etc.), you want people to eat and have a good time. Having alcohol at a party is a personal decision and should be considered carefully. It would be inappropriate to have alcohol at a first birthday party, there are too many kids to watch over not to mention how much money you'll SAVE. If you choose to include alcohol start buying early when it's on sale and save it for the party. You can save money by buying at wholesale clubs like Costco or Wal-Mart.
One last thing to remember. Please make sure your neighbors on each side of you and the back of you know, well in advance, you will be having a party and it could possibly get loud. Better yet invite them. A neighbor is less likely to call the authorities if they have been part of the party.
Helpful links:
Graduation announcements & invitations
Party Decorations & Favors at Shindigz
Graduation gifts and decorations
Get 10% off Pre-Packed Party Candies. Use code: 24165
Save 15% - Send a congratulatory bouquet to that special grad.
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