Thursday, December 29, 2011

A portion of my earnings will be donated to The American Cancer Society

I have decided to extending this to the end of January 2012.
25% of my earnings from Dec. 15 to Jan. 31, 2012 will be donated to the American Cancer Society.  So far my earnings have not been enough to warrant a donation.  Please pass my link below along to anyone you know that orders from Amazon along with students who may need to buy books for next semester. 

Thank you to all who have purchased so far. 

I am re-posting this because I believe it's important to get the word out that I will be donating 25% of my Dec.15 -Dec 31 earnings.
Please help me help the American Cancer Society.
My earnings have been sparse so please pass the word along.
All help is greatly appreciated
They are there to help us and we should help them.

This holiday season I have been thinking a lot about all the friends and family I've lost in the last 5 years. All passed due to cancer except one. Most recently was my boyfriends mother.

He reached out to The American Cancer Society for knowledge and guidance and they were so great to him. He appreciated it so much that he wanted to write a letter of appreciation after his mother passed.

Before he got the chance to write the letter they had called him to see if he needed any other information or help. Both he and I were impressed with their professionalism, patience and understanding. Because of that I have decided to donate 25% of all my Dec. 15 thru Dec. 31 earnings from Amazon to The American Cancer Society

Please use my Amazon link below to make your purchases thru Dec. 31.

Click Here to Order From Amazon

I will post my earnings amount and donation amount by January 31st.

Happy Holidays Everyone Be Safe!!!

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