Monday, March 19, 2012

National Poultry Day History

I was unable to find any information in my research as to when or why this day is celebrated.

During the 1930s there was a large expansion of the poultry industry in the U.S. Before World War II, chickens were considered a premium poultry and only consumed by those who could afford one. Other meats were scarce after World War II and poultry became a commercial industry. With storing and distributing poultry products improving the consumption of poultry increased.

When picking out a chicken at the grocery store look for a meaty, full breasted bird with plump short legs. The skin should range in color from cream to yellow and is soft and smooth to touch. Avoid chickens that smell funny.

To conserve maximum flavor don't freeze raw chicken for over two months and cooked for up to a month. Although only 4% of salmonella poisonings are chicken-related, be cautious when handling the raw bird. Wash all utensils and cutting boards immediately after contact with raw chicken. It's a good idea to reserve one cutting board for poultry only.

Crunchy Onion Chicken is my new favorite chicken recipe. I try to make this at least twice a month. The only thing I would do different is to cut the chicken breast in half lengthwise. If you leave them whole the onions tend to burn before the chicken gets cooked.

The Puerto Rican in me wants to share a dish my dad made when I was a child. I loved it. I've tried to make it several times but it never tastes the way my dad made it. This recipe is not my dads, I can't give away family recipes :-), but I think you'll enjoy it. Arroz con Pollo / Chicken and Rice.

Puerto Rican Dishes

Cooking Light Cook's Essential Recipe Collection: Chicken: 58 essential recipes to eat smart, be fit, live well (the Cooking Light.cook's ESSENTIAL RECIPE COLLECTION)

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